Winter 2025 Business Plan Competition

February 21, 2025 | Sanders Estes Unit

PEP is excited to have you join us for the Estes Winter 2025

Business Plan Competition Event.

The final twelve teams will pitch their business plans for you to judge, scoring them based on specific criteria to decide which business stands out as the most viable. 

meet the business teamsget directions

About the Business Plan Competition

You are to assume the role of a hypothetical investor in our participants’ businesses (although no real deals are made). Your job is to listen to business plan presentations from each of the ten teams and assess them based on four “Pitch Elements.” We are not trying to create business plans that are “good for an inmate.” These should be high-quality and well-planned business concepts, and your direct feedback will help improve their plans. You will also be able to support and encourage the men and their ideas.


  • Excellent – Exemplary work
  • Adequate – Just enough
  • Absent – Something is missing

Pitch Elements

  • Create Demand – Relationship between customer segments and value proposition
    to show how demand for the product/service will be created
  • Fulfill Demand – Key activities and resources required to produce the
    product/service at sufficient quality and quantity to fulfill demand (Business Model)
  • Marketing –  Choice of channels and content to show how to reach and
    engage customers
  • Presentation –  How well the team presents (eye contact, hand gestures,
    engaging, and natural delivery/not monotone)

Business Plan Competition Schedule

February 21, 2025

08:30 am
Arrival and Check-In


Please ensure that the only things you bring into prison are your driver’s license, car keys and pre-approved medical devices. (No cell phones, smart watches, food, liquids, knives, bombs, wild animals)
09:00 am
Breakfast mix and mingle w/participants
This is an excellent opportunity for you to get to know the participants in the class. 
09:45 am
Event Intro
10:20 am
Round One Pitches
11:30 AM
Another great opportunity to connect with the class members over a specially prepared meal.
12:10 PM
PEP Clubhouse

A public forum with the Winter 2025 Class, Servant-Leaders, Volunteers and PEP Staff.

12:45 pm
BPC Finals

The top six teams from Round One will pitch their businesses.

02:05 pm
Move to Gym for Graduation
If you are not staying for the graduation ceremony, a staff member will escort you to the front so you can leave. 
03:00 pm
Graduation Ceremony Begins

You will have an opportunity before the ceremony starts to create congratulatory signs for the Winter 2025 Graduates. 

04:00 pm
Graduation Reception Begins
We will serve sweets and snacks as the graduates reconnect with their family members. This is a special time that is not to be missed!

Meet the Estes Winter 2025 BPC Teams

Business Plans will be Posted on February 18th at 3:00 PM CST

Sanders Estes Unit

1100 FM 1807
Venus, TX 76084


Provide a note of encouragement to be included in the Estes Winter 2025 Graduation program.

All remarks must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, February 14th, to be included in the program.

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